So here's my question - Why go after me, and let Lizzie off the hook? Your "lizzie love" sounds like nothing more than a case of "I wish I could be you, Lizzie, and if not you, then can I at least suck up to you?" Don't know about you, but I want a role model who has worked to get where he or she is, as opposed to being bankrolled by daddy. Jeremy: I'm surprised at you - We've spoken before, traded PR ideas, and yet, you go after me on your blog without so much as an IM to me, asking if what was said in the Post was true? Jeez, man - not real good fact checking there. I hope you do better on behalf of your clients. Was I misquoted? Hell yes, I was misquoted. The only thing I said in there was the "Dorks on Parade" line, which I thought was funny as hell. Was the article good for Upoc? (I.e., my reason for participating?) Yes, I'd say so - their textings today were up major % numbers. So, whatever, Jeremy. It's cool - Write your little blog, and I'll continue to kick major ass on behalf of my clients. By the way... I don't advertise myself - My clients come to me via word-of-mouth from other clients, through recommendations, and yes, through publicity that I generate for myself. Unlike your very poor analogy of the co-worker of yours, I'm promoting my AGENCY as a whole. Not just myself. And you want to know something? With the exception of the Post story, I'm quoted on things that relate directly to what I do for a living. So Jeremy, I'll close on this - When your client list includes companies like Disney and AmEx, then by all means - go after me on your blog. When you're asked to speak at conferences put on by everyone from PRSA to The National Marketing to Kids Show, feel free to set your phasers on stun. When reporters from major TV, print, and radio publications REGULARLY call you for sources BEFORE they post to Profnet, then knock yourself out. And finally, when you are one of the owners of a mailing list comprised of over 2,000 PR professionals, the majority of whom look up to you for advice on how to get better in their chosen field of employment, then go to town on me. Until then, stick to sucking up to Grubman. Anything else just seems to be quite out of your league. Peter Shankman New York, 12/10/04